
Massaging my diary

These artworks are massaged into thick aluminum foil and show fragments of a diary I kept. The font I used is made by Meg Huston and Lili Huston-Herterich. The work will be seen at The Rijks Open studio’s 31 May – 2 June 2024! Hope to see you there!

Deep Tissue as a score

Learning to give a relaxing Deep Tissue Massage. With Eddie Gilpin and Martin Toloku

‘I would give him a bit of a rub’

Massage therapist Eddie Gilpin visited the Rijks Akademie collection. I asked him to tell what massage he would he would recommend the sculptures?

Exhibition ‘Broos’ with Charlotte Lagro

14 January – 26 March 2023 in the Academiehuis Grote Kerk, Zwolle

More info (in Dutch): https://www.academiehuis.nl/evenementen/expositie-broos

De Gabber Opera by Urland wins best mime/ performance at Theater Festival Amsterdam

Reach: Performative Symposium

From September to November 2021, during his Open Space residency at The Grey Space, Karel van Laere developed a new body of work titled Reach. 14 /05/2022 a performative symposium was dedicated to the Reach project.

The aim of this performative symposium was not only to share, but to also facilitate (social) revelation by stimulating the most powerful characteristic of mankind: imagination. The event aimed to spark this imagination in visitors and participants alike through engaging both the mind and the body and connecting people from different backgrounds.

Besides a panel talk between Karel van Laere and surgeons Dr. Anke Smits and Guus Bökkerink – moderated by philosopher and biologist Ellen ter Gast – the symposium features performances by dancer Simon Bus, artist Yun Lee, musician Raphael Vanoli and Karel van Laere.

Pictures by Gordon Meuleman


The symposium is made possible by the City of The Hague, Stroom Den Haag, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zuid-Holland and Kickstart Cultuurfonds.

Reach is a project by Karel van Laere developed in a co-production by The Grey Space in the Middle and Stichting Largo and is made possible by the City of The Hague, Stroom Den Haag, Mondriaan Fonds, Amarte Fonds, the In Art We Trust Fund (by We Are Public) and Laparoscopyboxx (a brand of Outside the Boxx).

Robbert Charoe visiting my solo-exhibition ‘Reach’ at The Grey Space (Dutch)

‘Karel gaf mij een rondleiding door de expositie. Ik heb zelf een visuele beperking en Karel gaf een uitgebreide beschrijving over zijn videoprojecten. Het was goed te volgen en er waren items waar ik het goed mee kreeg door de audio en doordat ik sommige items kon voelen.

Een expositie zeker het bezoeken waard. Karel is vaak zelf aanwezig en benaderbaar en geeft een duidelijke tekst en uitleg over zijn werken zodat je een inkijkje wordt gegund in zijn beweegredenen.’

Rijksakademie Amsterdam 2022- 2024

Honoured to share the news that last week I got accepted for a two year residency at Rijksakademie Amsterdam. I am really looking forward to this! Starting September 2022~

Positions: Time-Based

On Saturday 5 February Stroom proudly kicks off the new year with the opening of the exhibition Positions: Time-Based, featuring video works by artists based in The Hague: Eliane Esther Bots, Hannah Dawn Henderson, Karel van Laere, Tineke van Veen & Barbara Prezelj, and Annemarie Wadlow. The presentation presents five very different and distinctive artistic positions and captures the spirit of our time in video works of today. Using an observational, investigative and experimental approach, the artists find subtle ways to open up new narratives into complex issues. Positions: Time-Based is also the start of the yearlong program Positions, showcasing local artists. Read more 

Exhibition Street View – reviews

RTV Maastricht – https://rtvmaastricht.nl/televisie/gemist/streetview/fd8a8e85-e390-49ab-8a69-3a04fdb479da/streetview-3

Jegens & Tevens:

21 video projections downtown Maastricht [NL]

Honoured to be part of the exhibition STREET VIEW with my work SLow. Alongside 20 fantastic artworks SLow is on public display in a shop window in Maastricht till 31 October 2021.

Curated by Bart van den Boom

More information: https://www.viewmaster-projects.com/streetview/

De Gabber Opera 2021

A great honour to be a part of this theatre performance with this killer collective URLAND!

Review Volkskrant by Yasmina Aboutaleb: https://www.volkskrant.nl/cultuur-media/de-eindeloze-herhaling-van-een-saai-ritueel-levert-een-prachtig-beeld-op-in-de-gabber-opera~b119fb1f/

Review Theaterkrant by Moos van den Broek : https://www.theaterkrant.nl/recensie/de-gabber-opera/urland/

pictures by: Julian Maiwald

De Gabber Opera

“Kom in ons midden nu, Dreuner, o, Dreuner. Schud de aardbodem, machtige Schokker.” (uit De Bacchanten van Euripides, 406 v Chr.)

Performance collectief URLAND scheert de koppen kaal en maakt een hardcore trip voor iedereen die smacht naar een theatrale uitspatting. 8- 11 September in Theater Rotterdam

Trailer: Huub Laurens


I am working an a new project called ‘Reach’. For my explorative research I was invited to visit surgeon Guus Bökkering and his operating rooms at the Princes Maxima Hospital Utrecht. A beautiful insight into a place where everything has its function.

Project ‘Reach’ is made in collaboration with The Grey Space in the Middle in The Hague, where I am an artist in residence this year.

LEAF at Straight Through The Wall NYC

A great honour to be a part of Straight Through The Wall last weekend, A guerrilla screening downtown New York City.

LEAF [excerpt] https://vimeo.com/552607150

DoP: Peter van Til
Special thanks: Stroom Den Haag, We Are Public #frontrow & Printerette

Picture by: Sara Meghdari

New work – Composition – live stream

The live performance ‘composition’ finds its origin in the memory and imagination of the audience. Why do images end at the border of your screen? How do we deal with images that we do not see. Composition will be presented 23 December at 20:30 from The Grey Space in the Middle in The Hague.
Link to the livestream here! https://youtu.be/IqkrVFET_RcSLUITEN
Artists: Karel van Laere, Amos Ben Tal, Milena Twiehaus & Sofia Chionidou
This project is made possible by: We Are Public #FrontRow, The Grey Space in the Middle, & Brother Till.

Presenting work at PANT Public #3, iii workspace

First impressions: Dutch artists arriving in Taiwan and Taiwanese artists arriving in The Netherlands

18th October 15:30 (door open at 15:00)
Location: iii workspace
Tickets: 5-10 euro (sliding scale) HERE
Artists : Cian Yu Bai (visual art), Karel van Laere ( performance/video), Che-sheng Wu (percussionist/MIME), Yung-tuan Ku (percussionist/MIME)
This event is part of We Are Public. Please proceed to the ticket page to book a ticket with your membership card.

Pant Public #3 invites artists from different disciplines to share their art practices during a panel discussion with the subject ‘First impressions: Dutch artists arriving in Taiwan and Taiwanese artists arriving in The Netherlands’
This is the first time a Dutch artist has been invited to take part in PANT Public, to give a more rounded conversation with the different cultural perspectives.

more info: www.iii/event.com

Stroom Premium

Honoured Stroom The Hague will support my collaboration with The Grey Space in the Middle with a Stroom Premium grand 2021.



New work

Thursday 10 & Friday 11 September I will present you my first sculptural installation ‘Casting’. The work is part of the The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend and will be exhibited in The Grey Space in the Middle.

Doors are open between 18:00 and 21:00. Adres: Paviljoensgracht 20, The Hague.

No reservation is needed but due to the current distancing measures, attendance to the exhibition space is limited and regulated. For more information please have a look at https://weekend.thehaguecontemporary.nl/program/exhibition-casting/

New work Passage installed at platform 5/6 Station Sloterdijk

More info:

Spoorbeeld: https://www.spoorbeeld.nl/inspiratie/de-kunstenaar-als-passagier

Prorail: https://www.prorail.nl/nieuws/kunstvideo-onthuld-op-station-amsterdam-slotervaart