
Solo exhibition – Electriciteits Fabriek The Hague

Stichting Largo

The Non-Present Performer [research] 30oktober 20:30 – Zaal3

The Non-Present Performer [research] 30oktober 20:30 – Zaal3

The Non-Present Performer [research] 30oktober 20:30 – Zaal3


The Non-Present Performer is the beginning of a research by performer and filmmaker Karel van Laere. The need to ‘step out for a while’ is addressed from his fundamental love for movement. It’s the prelude to a video art work Van Laere will complete beginning of 2018 together with D.o.P. Mink Pinster in Taipei, Taiwan.

On Monday, October 30, there was a one time performance in Zaal3 in The Hague. Under influence of hypnosis, Van Laere temporarily lent his body to dancers Amos Ben Tal, Milena Twiehaus, Yvan Dubreuil and Francesco Barba, unconsciously forming a part of the research. After, there was an aftertalk with hypnotist Joris Waayer, anaesthetist Rutger van Leersum, the dancers and the audience present.

30 oktober | 20:30

Locatie: Zaal 3 | Constant Rebecqueplein 20a | The Hague

Tickets | 5eu  http://zaal3.nl/agenda/the-non-present-performer/

The Non-Present Performer is made possible by ‘Het Fonds Podium Kunsten en Zaal 3’.