

Slow Rise



2016, Taiwan

One of the best spots to observe people on the move in Taiwan is at the Taipei Main Station. Fascinated by the seemingly endless choreographies of people, Van Laere placed his chair alongside the escalators to explore the contrast between the escalator’s mechanized movement and human movement.

In this 6 hour preliminary survey research Van Laere made eye contact with thousands of Taiwanese people.

‘Contact’ reveals a combination of stillness and dynamics within a modern city.

Recorded at Taipei Main station, Taipei – Taiwan. This project was made possible by: Het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve IndustrieThe Taipei Artist Village, Taipei Main Station & Stroom Den Haag.

  • Performer / Director Karel van Laere
  • DoP / Edit Mink Pinster/ Millk
  • Sound design Frank Wienk
  • Coaching HertogNadler
  • Producer Mina Hsu Ping Wang
  • Photographer Lin Wei-Lung
  • Technical assistant Shao-Che Lee
  • Set assistant Bo-yu Huang